German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English



§ 1   Name, Seat, Aim

  1. The society's name is as follows: German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English.
  2. The society is based in Siegen (Germany) and is included in the official register of societies.
  3. The sole and immediate aim of the society is benevolent according to taxation laws.
  4. The society does not primarily further its own financial interests.
  5. The society promotes insight into contemporary theatre and drama in the English tongue.
    This aim is principally achieved through
    –  research and teaching in the field of contemporary theatre and drama in the English tongue
    –  the organisation of topical conferences
    –  the publication of scientific texts
    –  cooperation with theatres, cultural institutions, schools, etc.
  6. The financial means of the society may only be used for aims included in the constitution. Members do not receive payments from the society.
  7. No person shall receive advantages by means of payments that are incompatible with the aims of the society nor by over-generous payments.
  8. Should the society cease to exist or should its aims cease to apply the society's financial assets will be transferred to a public body in order to be used in furthering science and research.

§ 2   Membership

  1. All those who agree with the aims of the society and pay the annual membership fee can adhere to the society. The committee takes a decision on a written application for membership.
  2. The AGM determines the level of the membership fee. Corporate membership is possible. In this case the committee applies special rules. The committee has the right to deviate from these rules in particular cases.
  3. Membership terminates with a member dying, leaving or being expelled from the society.
  4. A member wishing to leave the society must state this in writing at least three months before the end of the financial year.
  5. A member may be expelled from the society following a decision by the committee if
    a) he or she has not paid the membership fee three months after being required to do so and after having been requested to do so,
    b) he or she disregards the aims of the society or harms its reputation.
  6. The expelled member may register his opposition to the expulsion in writing within 30 days after having been notified of the expulsion. The next AGM is then going to take a final decision.

§ 3   The bodies of the society

The bodies of the society are
a) the Annual General Meeting
b) the committee
c) the subcommittee

§ 4   Annual General Meeting

  1. The AGM is the central body of the society. Corporations and other organisations count as one member of the society and thus have one vote.
  2. The AGM is to consider all arising matters according to the constitution as well as those the committee asks it to decide upon. Of singular importance are the approval of the committee's activities, the election of the committee and the auditor. The AGM sets the membership fee and decides on alterations to the constitution and the dissolution of the society.
  3. If possible, the AGM takes place in conjunction with a topical conference. The committee invites members in writing to the AGM at least four weeks before the meeting and sends them an agenda. The agenda is to include a report by the committee, a statement on financial aspects, a statement by the auditor, the approval of the committee's activities and the election of the committee (if this arises).
  4. The financial year goes from January 1st to December 31st.
  5. The committee may call an extraordinary meeting of members at any moment. It is obliged to take this step if a minimum of l/3 of all members call for such a meeting in writing. The rules governing AGMs apply.

§ 5   The committee

  1. The AGM elects the committee.
  2. The committee consists of six members:
    –  the president
    –  the vice president
    –  the treasurer
    –  the secretary
    –  the editor of publications of the society
    –  and a further member chosen by the subcommittee to be in charge of the annual conference that is going to take place next. This member will remain on the committee until the completion of the conference.
  3. Federal law (§ 26 BGB) requires the committee to have a president, a vice president and a treasurer.
  4. Two committee members are necessary at any one time to represent the society.
  5. The committee is elected for three years. Members may be re-elected. The committee remains in office until an election has taken place.
  6. The committee may elect a member to substitute a committee member until the following AGM if he or she leaves the committee or is unable to fulfil his/her functions permanently.
  7. The constitution can be amended by the committee if a court or tax office thus requires.


The AGM elects two auditors and one deputy for a three year term. It is the auditors' duty to audit the society's financial movements and to report its findings to the AGM.


Decisions taken by the AGM and the committee are to be duly recorded and signed by the president or, in his absence, by his deputy or the secretary.

§ 8   The subcommittee

The subcommittee is made up of the heads of the working groups, who previously elected them. The subcommittee advises the committee mainly on the organisation of topical conferences and on the publication of the society's year-book.

This constitution was passed by the founder members of the society during a foundation meeting which took place on October 30th, 1992 in Siegen.